Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Crochet A Good Cause

One of my goals in my blog is to talk about what I'm currently working on.  But...since my current creation is a gift I have to wait until I give it away before I talk about it....don't worry, I'm taking pictures as I go!  So since I can't talk about that...I've chosen to talk about crocheting for a cause.  As many of you know my birthday was a couple of weeks ago.  Joe and I spent the day by the beach and when I got home I had this beautiful bag along with some hand picked flowers from some of the neighborhood kids.
Costa Rican Messenger Bag

Well I could immediately tell that this bag had been crocheted.  But out of what?  It was pretty stiff and felt almost plastic.  Upon further research I found out that it was indeed plastic, recycled grocery bags to be exact...AND a portion of it's purchase price went to help a Leatherback Conservation Project in Costa Rica.

Ain't he cute?

Not only did it help the leatherback but it also helped the Sea Turtles at Sea Turtle, Inc. right here in South Padre Island, TX!  According to their website these bags are created with approximately 80 plastic grocery bags.  Finding a use for these bags keep them out of our oceans and landfills thus helping to keep them away from wildlife where they can accidently harm themselves.  The women of Costa Rica crochet these bags, and are paid a fair wage thus helping not only the turtles but their family as well.

There are so may ways that we can use the craft of crochet to help our world.  Here are just a few I found:

Scarves for Special Olympics - You will see another post from me when I finish my contributions!

You can upcycle and recycle just about anything you can put your mind to...find something that you are passionate about and let your creativity be your guide.  God gave us our gifts to share...I can't think of a better way than to help others...can you?

Some more birthday shots for you...

My new tire cover...Life IS Good!!
Toes in the sand...just like we like 'em!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog.....I love the
    "toes in the sand" pic. That's how I would like to spend my life: sweet, slaty and between my toes. Life's a beach!
