Thursday, August 16, 2012

Learning about Blogging

While I slave away, my "co-worker" has bailed on me.

Go figure.

So I've been reading about some SEO (search engine optimization, yes I had to look it up) techniques from The North Carolina Cowgirl.  Professional SEO Consultant and a blogger that I found through one of my favorite blogs Peanut Butter Fingers, who also posted some good tips on her blog.

So I started working with Pic Monkey yesterday. (That's where the little conversation bubbles have come from.)  It is super easy to load a pic and get it just right for posting.  And can be done from ANY computer, which is a plus for me.  If you look at the Peanut Butter Fingers link you can see some of what can be done with this site.  It is free...but the cooler stuff requires membership.  Free is fine for me now.

So then I tried to learn how to add a "Pin It" button on my site.  That took a couple of days to get the hang of it and I'm still wondering a bit....?

I guess after I publish this I'll find out if it worked!

The last thing I've done so far is to add a XML Sitemap.  I definitely had to look that up too and see what it was all about but I did find out how to do it here.  This is one of those things that I still don't know a lot about and I'm not sure how to judge if it is working or not.  It is basically supposed to allow the search engines to bring up more that your last 26 posts. (See I didn't even know that was the case, but I guess it is with blogger.)  So there you go.  I hope this helps!

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