Monday, August 20, 2012

Today's Inspiration

Today's inspiration should make my husband happy.  You see I am a clutterer...not so much a hoarder, I can get rid of things.  But instead of putting things where they belong, they lay where they land.  I know I'm not the only one and I have a very good reason for this.  If I put it away, I will forget to use it, forget I have having my gym bag out is a visual reminder that I need to go to the gym.  Having my Avon books out reminds me that an order deadline is coming up soon and I need to make phone calls, send emails and get my order ready to submit.  I leave a pile of sewing next to the kitchen table, where the machine is, so that once I get "enough" to sew I can spend and afternoon doing it.  Ok so the pile has been there well over a month....!?  I have magazine's I need to finish reading.  Crochet projects half done....because if I put it away I won't have that visual reminder to finish it.  Makes sense right?  But in the mean time....I have piles EVERYWHERE!

So after getting my Zumba shot in the butt this morning this is what I plan to do this afternoon.  Let the pile attack begin!

If you have any tips and techniques PLEASE, yes I am begging, share them with me!

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